Jul 9,2023,
The game begins with making 4 chits namely Raja (2000 points), Mantri (900 points), Chor(0 points) and Sipahi (700 points). Each chit is folded-shuffled and distributed among 4 players with each player picking one chit. Players can open their respective chit to find out their character
Passing around slam books among friends, where each person wouls fill out personal information, answer question, and leave messages for the books's owner.
These frozen treats on a stick were available in various flavors like orange, cola, mango, and strawberry. Enjoying a Popsicle on a hot summer day was a refreshing delight for 90s indian kids.
A game involving stacking seven stones and trying to knock them down with a ball, while the opposing team tried to rebuild the stack as quickly as possible.
A Powdered drink mix available in various flavors, including mango and orange, that was mixed with water to create a refreshing beverage.
A childhood favorite, offering a large size and affordable price, with a delightful elaichi flavor.
Carrying pencil boxes witth sliding trays that contained different compartments for pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and other stationery items.
playing cricket matches with makeshift stumps and boundaries on the streets or in open spaces,