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    HomeBrandsAmazon/FlipkartFlipkart Refuses To Issue A Refund After An Indian Student Receives BoAt...

    Flipkart Refuses To Issue A Refund After An Indian Student Receives BoAt Speakers Instead Of A MacBook.

    A recent internet gadget purchase by an Indian student was strange and awful. An Apple MacBook was ordered, but instead a speaker from boAt that cost a fraction of the laptop was delivered. And this is what followed.

    Flipkart declines to accept accountability


    Getting the wrong orders is rather usual. Even soap bars have been delivered to customers who ordered smartphones. This time, a student ordered a MacBook with an M1 processor from Flipkart. This laptop cost him 76,000 Indian Rupees, and delivery was scheduled for August 13th. However, because the delivery person ignored calls, the delivery was put off until August 15. The order was so far behind schedule that the student had to physically pick it up from Flipkart’s hub.

    The delivery person insisted on acquiring the OTP before providing his package once he arrived. Opening the package revealed that the only item in the package bearing his name was a boAt speaker, which was priced at 3,000 INR. The student said that he delivered proof and had even videotaped the delivery person acknowledging that he had been given the incorrect item.

    Sadly, the volume of proof was ineffective because Flipkart’s customer care didn’t seem to be very helpful. The e-commerce site refused to issue refunds, claiming that some items are exempt from its “No Returns” policy. This guideline also applies to Apple goods. Flipkart has not yet provided a refund as of yet, thus it’s probable that the student will take this issue to court.

    Mubarkbee is a Content Writer with 2 years of experience. She is interested in writing about tech news.
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