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    HomeTechnologyAudio/SoundThis design's magnetic modular components allow you to operate and arrange your...

    This design’s magnetic modular components allow you to operate and arrange your Bluetooth speaker and lamp.

    I’m always looking for furniture and gadgets that can do multiple things because I live in a pretty limited place. I enjoy seeing ideas, plans, and even actual things for my home that may serve numerous purposes and be both aesthetic and practical. Additionally, I enjoy items with designs that allow me to rearrange them to suit my mood or the decor of my space. It is uncommon and will grab my attention when I find anything that satisfies all of my interests.

    Francesco Cappuccio, designer

    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.
    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.

    The Scacco Matto is a modular Bluetooth speaker and lamp concept that takes its name from the Italian word for checkmate. Because you can rearrange the components to create the exact appearance you want or need at any given time, it allows the user to interact with the item. The creator claims that utilising the three unique components contained in the package, you may create five possible combinations. Consider assembling them as though you were assembling a Lego set, except with magnets instead of screws. They are all held together by magnets.

    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.
    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.

    Whatever design you decide to choose, the components will contain cyclical and circular portions as well as a variety of lamp and sound options. The third component—which resembles little bowls and is powered by internal batteries—allows you to use the device for up to 40 hours after a full charge. Between the bulb and the speaker is this element. Wireless Charging Module Inductive/Receivers are present in every component.

    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.
    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.

    The colour renderings for the product include blue, red, green, yellow, pink, and purple, among others. It will be interesting to see how the speaker sounds and how the lamp works in your environment if it is made into a real product. For all the reasons I’ve already stated, it seems like a really interesting concept, but whether or not I’d actually consider adding it to my restricted space also depends on the quality of the product.

    Bluetooth speaker and lamp.
    Mubarkbee is a Content Writer with 2 years of experience. She is interested in writing about tech news.
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