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    HomeHealth and FitnessThere Are 11 Reasons To Incorporate Vitamin C Serum Into Your Skincare...

    There Are 11 Reasons To Incorporate Vitamin C Serum Into Your Skincare Routine

    A vitamin C serum is what? You’ve probably heard about vitamin C serums if you’re interested in skin care.

    One of the top ingredients on the market for anti-aging assistance and the secret to preserving a smooth, even, and glowing complexion is vitamin C.

    Even while you presumably consume vitamin C in your diet, there is no way to ensure that it reaches your skin. The most straightforward approach to get these advantages is to use serums and other topical products.

    Continue reading to learn more about introducing a new product, adding vitamin C serum to your routine, and other topics.

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    here are plenty of benefits to using vitamin C on your skin. For example, vitamin C:

    • is safe for most skin types
    • provides hydration
    • can brighten your skin
    • can reduce redness
    • can reduce hyperpigmentation
    • can reduce the appearance of under-eye circles
    • promotes collagen production
    • may help prevent sagging
    • may protect against sun damage
    • may soothe sunburns
    • may help wound healing

    1. It’s safe for most skin types

    An high safety profile exists for vitamin C. dependable source The majority of people can utilise topical vitamin C for a long time without suffering any side effects.

    A research review from 2017

    According to Trusted Source, vitamin C in doses more than 20% may cause mild skin irritation. As a result, its concentration in skin care products often ranges between 10% and 20%.

    Alpha hydroxy acids, retinols, and SPF are just a few of the skin care ingredients that can be safely combined with vitamin C.

    2. It’s hydrating

    The majority of healthy skin and organs have high concentrations of vitamin C, which suggests that vitamin C builds up in the body through circulation, according to a 2017 assessment of the literature.

    The ascorbic acid form of topical vitamin C penetrates the skin the best, according to review authors.

    According to a 2022 reviewTrusted Source, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, another vitamin C derivative utilised in skin care, has been demonstrated to have a moisturising impact on the skin. It improves the retention of moisture in your skin by reducing transepidermal water loss (TEWL).

    based on a 2019 study

    Trusted Source, an anti-pollution, antioxidant serum with ferulic acid, vitamin C, and Deschampsia antarctica extract decreased TEWL by 19% while enhancing skin barrier function.

    3. It’s brightening

    Vitamin C can smooth the skin’s surface to lessen dullness and aid remove pigmentation (more on this below!). Skin looks younger as a result of this.

    Review of 2017

    The use of vitamin C has been found to prevent the synthesis of melanin, according to Trusted Source. The pigment responsible for giving skin its colour is melanin.

    Vitamin C can aid in lightening hyperpigmentation and dark spots by preventing the development of melanin. It might also aid in making your skin look more radiant.

    4. It helps reduce redness and even out your skin tone

    According to a 2015 analysis by Trusted Source, vitamin C has also been demonstrated to function as an anti-inflammatory agent through its antioxidant ability. This indicates that it can lessen puffiness while calming your skin.

    The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin C may benefit:

    neutralise the oxidative damage-causing free radicals
    improve immunological function to prevent an inflammatory immune reaction
    Vitamin C’s anti-inflammatory qualities can also aid in reducing redness, which can lead to a more uniform complexion.

    A clean, smooth skin tone results from the simultaneous elimination of dark spots, redness, and inflammation.

    5. It helps fade hyperpigmentation

    Vitamin C can actually lighten hyperpigmentation since it suppresses melanin formation.

    Melanin overproduction in specific regions of the skin leads to hyperpigmentation, which includes sunspots, age spots, and melasma. Additionally, it can take place in regions that have recovered from acne.

    Vitamin C prevents the formation of melanin.

    by reducing the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme, Trusted Source. It is frequently used in dermatology to lighten hyperpigmented skin lesions.

    Although there are few trials, it has also been used to treat gingival melanin hyperpigmentation (gum hyperpigmentation).

    Having acne issues? There are further solutions for treating acne-related hyperpigmentation besides vitamin C serums.

    6. It reduces the appearance of under-eye circles

    Vitamin C serums can reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles by moisturising and plumping the skin around the eyes.

    Some claim that vitamin C can help lessen the discolouration brought on by under-eye circles, even though vitamin C is more helpful in reducing general redness.

    Vitamin C mesotherapy led to a noticeable improvement in the pigmentation of under-eye circles, according to a modest 2019 studyTrusted Source on three treatments for dark circles. Some subjects did, however, also describe a burning sensation.

    Using a cold compress and using retinol in your skin care routine are two other methods to reduce under-eye bags.

    It is recommended to stay with items made specifically for the area under your eyes because it is delicate and thin there.

    7. It promotes collagen production

    A naturally produced protein that dwindles over time is collagen. Fine lines and wrinkles may result from low collagen levels.

    Through the process of collagen synthesis, vitamin C is widely known for increasing collagen production. In actuality, collagen synthesis is dependent upon vitamin C.

    This is due to the fact that vitamin C is a necessary cofactor for the two enzymes needed to produce collagen:

    Lysyl hydroxylase offers structural support whereas prolyl hydroxylase stabilises the collagen molecule.
    The consumption of certain foods can also increase collagen production.

    8. It may help prevent skin sagging

    Elasticity and hardness of the skin are related to collagen synthesis. Your skin may start to sag as your collagen levels start to decline.

    According to a 2017 review by Trusted Source, using a vitamin C serum may increase collagen formation and have a tightening impact all over. This holds true whether the drooping is brought on by oxidative stress, natural ageing, or drastic weight loss.

    This indicates that it can aid in minimising the appearance of drooping skin, giving your skin a tighter, toned appearance.

    9. It protects against sun damage

    Depleted vitamin C levels in the skin are linked to prolonged exposure to oxidative stress brought on by contaminants or ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

    Additionally, vitamin C levels are lower in older or photodamaged skin, while it is unclear whether this is a cause or an effect.

    Free radicals are a class of chemicals that cause sun damage. These are atoms in which an electron is absent. Free radicals look for other atoms from which they might “take” an electron, which can seriously harm the skin.

    Antioxidants abound in vitamin C. Healthy skin cells are shielded from free radical damage by antioxidants, which “give” these radicals an electron to make them harmless.

    10. It may help soothe sunburns

    According to a 2017 assessment by Trusted Source, vitamin C speeds up cell turnover in addition to reducing redness. This swaps out the damaged cells for brand-new, healthy ones.

    According to the aforementioned 2017 analysis, topical administration of vitamin C has also been demonstrated to lessen damage from UV irradiation (commonly known as sunburn) when combined with vitamin E and other substances. Additionally, the irritation brought on by too much UV exposure is reduced by this mixture.

    It’s significant to remember that studies have shown that vitamin C is very weakly efficient at preventing sunburn.

    11. It generally helps boost wound healing

    It should come as no surprise that topical vitamin C administration can hasten overall wound healing given its impact on sunburn. Your likelihood of inflammation, infection, and scarring is decreased by healthy wound healing.

    In fact, a lack of this essential vitamin might cause wounds to heal more slowly.

    Review of 2017

    According to Trusted Source, taking vitamin C supplements causes the body and skin to produce more antioxidants, which promotes skin growth and repair.

    This is in part because vitamin C increases the production of collagen, which is necessary for wound healing.

    How to use a vitamin C serum


    All skin care treatments have the potential to produce negative effects, despite the fact that topical vitamin C is typically well tolerated.

    A patch test should always be performed to determine your level of allergy risk. This is how:

    Choose a small, discrete piece of skin, such as your forearm.
    Wait 24 hours after applying a tiny amount of product.
    If there are no negative side effects, you can apply it on your face. If you have a rash, redness, or hives, stop using the product.
    Follow the directions on the product’s label when it’s time to apply the product completely.

    It’s preferable to introduce new cosmetics one at a time, separated by a few weeks, as repeated exposure could cause a skin reaction.

    Usually, vitamin C serum is applied once or twice daily. Cleanse, tone, apply vitamin C serum, and then moisturise are good general guidelines. Use clean hands before applying skin care products.

    It is safe to combine it with other active substances, but doing so may reduce the effectiveness of vitamin C-containing products.

    Tyrosine, zinc, and vitamin C were demonstrated to boost the bioavailability of vitamin C 20 times higher than vitamin C alone, according to a 2020 assessment by Trusted Source.

    Verify the use-by date on your goods. Vitamin C has probably oxidised if the product has darkened or otherwise changed colour. The product no longer offers the same advantages even though it is still safe to use.

    Fantin is a Founder of Next E News and Director for Next Genesis Solutions. He is a Full Stack Web Developer in the day and Account Manager in the Night. His Interest is gain Knowledge in Technical & Electronics Platform and to implement in few of his projects.
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