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    HomeHealth and FitnessThe Science Of The New Superfood "Kumkum Bhindi," Which Lowers Cholesterol &...

    The Science Of The New Superfood “Kumkum Bhindi,” Which Lowers Cholesterol & High Blood Pressure

    We were taught as children that bhindi, or okra, is a wonderful source of vitamins A, K, C, and B6 and helps to keep the mind sharp. Red bhindi, often known as kumkum bhindi, is another variation of this vegetable that has recently gained widespread notice.

    According to agricultural specialists, this red bhindi increases metabolism, lowers blood pressure, lowers the risk of anaemia, and lowers bad cholesterol.

    “The 94% of polyunsaturated fat in kumkum bhindi lowers harmful cholesterol. Along with that, its 66% sodium content aids in lowering blood pressure, its 21% iron lowers the risk of anaemia, and its 5% protein content maintains the body’s metabolic system, according to a story in The Tribune India.

    The new superfood is also abundant in nutrients like phenolics and anthocyanins, which improve our ability to fight inflammation. A, C, and B Complex vitamins are also present.

    The vegetable’s fibre regulates blood sugar. In addition, it is high in nutrients and low in calories.

    Developed by Indian Institute of Vegetable Research after 23 years 

    After 23 years of diligent work, the Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) created this new variety in 2019 under the name Kashi Lalima. According to a news statement from the institute, this red lady finger is a good source of calcium, iron, and antioxidants.

    In 1995–1996, Dr. Bijendra, a former director of the IIVR, began research on the red lady finger. This variety of okra is purple-red in colour and costs between Rs 100 and Rs 500 per kg. This type has to be imported from western nations up until 2019. Farmers are currently producing this in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh as well.

    This vegetable benefits both consumers and farmers because it generates a healthy profit for them.


    According to Misrilal Rajput, a farmer from Bhopal, this kind costs 5-7 times as much as typical lady fingers. In certain malls, it is marketed for between Rs 75 and Rs 80 and Rs 300 to Rs 400 per 250 gm or 500 gm, he informed ANI.

    He said that the bhindi he grew started growing in 40 days and that one acre of land could support the growth of between 40 and 80 quintals. Also mentioned by him was the absence of pesticides in the crop.

    Between February and the second week of April, this crimson bhindi can be planted. You might also plant it in November.

    The crop is suitable for both the spring, summer, and rainy seasons, according to the IIVR announcement. The vegetable may be grown on a hectare in 14–15 tonnes.

    Fantin is a Founder of Next E News and Director for Next Genesis Solutions. He is a Full Stack Web Developer in the day and Account Manager in the Night. His Interest is gain Knowledge in Technical & Electronics Platform and to implement in few of his projects.
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