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    HomeSoftwareApplicationsThese 17 Android Apps Need To Be Immediately Uninstalled Because They Have...

    These 17 Android Apps Need To Be Immediately Uninstalled Because They Have The Ability To Steal Money From Bank Accounts

    Beware, Android users! A plethora of malware-loaded dropper apps, according to new security research from Trend Micro, try to steal your data, including banking details, PINs, passwords, and more.
    Additionally, these apps have the ability to capture text messages on your phone and infect it with malicious software. Dropper apps are those that circumvent Google’s Play Store security while harboring malware, leading to a dropper-as-a-service (DaaS) model.
    A list of 17 such apps that could be downloaded and installed on your phone and may be stealing your sensitive data has been made public by the security researchers at Trend Micro.


    1.According to recent security studies, numerous apps with malware preloaded may be stealing your data.

    2.These applications seek to steal passwords, PINs, banking information, and other data.

    3.Google intends to implement a policy that forbids lengthy advertisements and clone apps.

    List of money-stealing dropper applications

    Last year the Google Play Store had a new dropper version called Daw Dropper, according to Trend Micro. These applications might still be on your Android device even though Google removed them from the Play Store, so we strongly advise you to do so right away.
    The list of those apps is as follows:

    1. Call Recorder APK 
    2. Rooster VPN 
    3. Super Cleaner- hyper & smart 
    4. Document Scanner – PDF Creator 
    5. Universal Saver Pro 
    6. Eagle photo editor 
    7. Call recorder pro+ 
    8. Extra Cleaner 
    9. Crypto Utils 
    10. FixCleaner 
    11. Universal Saver Pro 
    12. Lucky Cleaner 
    13. Just In: Video Motion 
    14. Document Scanner PRO
    15. Conquer Darkness
    16. Simpli Cleaner
    17. Unicc QR Scanner 


    Fantin is a Founder of Next E News and Director for Next Genesis Solutions. He is a Full Stack Web Developer in the day and Account Manager in the Night. His Interest is gain Knowledge in Technical & Electronics Platform and to implement in few of his projects.
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