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    HomeEducationBengaluru Orchids School Has Gotten Another FIR

    Bengaluru Orchids School Has Gotten Another FIR

    The Bengaluru branch of Orchids International School on Sarjapur Road is not licensed by the government, so a FIR has been filed against it. Ten days ago, the Magadi Road Orchids store was shut down because it was running without a permit.

    The Orchids school in the Haraluru village was reported to the police by the Bengaluru South (4) Block Education Officer (BEO).
    “We got complaints that a school is holding classes even though its request for permission was denied,” “Once this was confirmed, a police report was filed,” BEO DR Ramamurthy said.

    Unlike the branch on Magadi Road, the Haraluru school building has not been locked up because it has permission to run pre-primary classes. More than 70 kids in Classes 1–6 went to the Haraluru branch. They have been moved to schools nearby.

    In response to the second such incident, Orchids said, “We had asked the state education department for the necessary permissions and were waiting for the approvals.”


    Many parents have shown interest in enrolling their kids based on our ongoing building projects, as well as our infrastructure and brand name. We also just got a rejection notice from them because they needed some clarifications, and thereby we have re-applied and sought for all the approvals.”

    The school said it thinks it will get permission soon. “In the meantime, we’re sending the parents to other nearby Orchids branches to make sure their children’s education doesn’t stop, and they’ll get all the services that Orchids has to offer.” at our school according to what we do every day.”
    Orchids said that it is “a law-abiding, responsible chain” with more than 60 locations all over India. Rahul Dravid, who plays cricket and is the head coach of the national team, agreed to be an ambassador for the Orchid brand.

    In the meantime, the department of public instruction has told local officials to check documents at schools in their areas. This is to find schools that are breaking the law. Officials have been asked to put out a list of people who don’t have permission to go to illegal schools and file complaints with the police against them. During school visits, officials will also look for problems with how the lessons are taught.
    “There are schools that can teach state curriculum, but they teach central curriculum instead. Officers should also keep an eye out such violations and initiate action,” the circular stated.

    Fantin is a Founder of Next E News and Director for Next Genesis Solutions. He is a Full Stack Web Developer in the day and Account Manager in the Night. His Interest is gain Knowledge in Technical & Electronics Platform and to implement in few of his projects.
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