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    It’s crucial to understand whether current languages will maintain their dominance if you want to build a successful programming profession.

    Programmers adhere to Moore’s law, not programming languages.
    Simply put, programmers rely on verbose, subpar code with the belief that Moore’s law will take care of the memory space needed.
    However, there is a defence that Moore’s law will become obsolete in around ten years.
    And a lot more languages have been created as alternatives to the common languages like C.
    Hearsay, a language that software developer Drew DeVault just created, is marketed as a straightforward, durable, and adaptable replacement for the C language. As a programmer, there’s a good possibility you’ll need to pick up new languages periodically to advance your work or take it in a brand-new direction. It’s critical to understand whether existing programming languages will maintain their dominance over the next few years if one wants to build a long-lasting career in the field.
    Here is a list of the top 10 programming languages that will become less popular over the next ten years.


    R is a computer language primarily used to process data using statistical techniques.
    Despite having several advantages over other programming languages like Python, it is losing favour with its users.
    In just one month, it dropped from a ranking of 9 on the TOIBE index to 11.
    It might not totally vanish, but given the popularity of other programming languages, it will undoubtedly become less significant.


    Apple sought to replace Objective-C with its developer environment when it released Swift.
    Because so many useful programmed were created in it, the language remained alive and well.
    Additionally, the programmers weren’t prepared to switch to Swift.

    Visual Basic

    Introduced in 1991, Visual Basic is a dated programming language.
    According to the theory that outdated technologies are designed to disappear, Visual Basic is already on its way out of existence.
    Additionally, Microsoft long ago discontinued supporting Visual Basic.
    A more recent version, Visual Basic.NET, which is also an object-oriented programming language, may be the cause of its drop in popularity charts.

    Coffee Script

    In 2019 alone, the online coding community placed Coffee Script among the lowest.
    Its Facebook group is no longer active, and it ranks last among other programming languages for Twitter, GitHub, Free node IRC, and other platforms. It continues to be the least visited subreddit on the website. Given all of these circumstances, it appears like there aren’t many opportunities for professional programmers.


    Despite the early 2000s popularity spike for this online application, its rankings have dropped swiftly.
    Scalability problems, a shorter run-time, and incompatibility with other languages are among the causes of its downfall.
    Ruby was abandoned by large organizations like Twitter in Favour of alternative languages that allow for quicker expansion and reduced long-term expenditures. Even if not now, it will undoubtedly be in risk down the road.


    Previously thought of as the preferred language for web development, it was ranked among the top 10 in the TOIBE index.
    Its ranking has dropped to 18 recently.
    The popularity of Python, another programming language in the same field, may be the cause of its decrease.
    If it can’t attract new customers, experts say it might soon decline, backed into a corner with few customers left.


    In business, financial, and administrative systems, batch and transactional processing tasks are typically carried out using COBOL, which stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. It is advised to stop thinking about COBOL once you have a sense of how quickly businesses are moving to the cloud. Within the next ten years, it’s very likely that COBOL will be obsolete.


    When Haskell was first created, it was intended to be a small language that could be used for applications involving symbolic computation and list processing. Even though it has simple syntax, maintainable code, quicker lead times, and higher reliability, its status as a coding language is constantly declining. It might be obsolete in a few years as new languages like Go and Python gain popularity quickly.


    Ada can be considered a dead programming language that is being kept alive by a few legacy systems.
    It was developed to replace hundreds of languages used by the US Defense Department.
    Although it is complex and highly functional, it is losing its importance in Favour of new languages.


    LISP as a programming language is on the verge of failure.
    The developer community suggests many reasons such as messy syntax with parenthesized prefix notation and is mostly used as a garbage collector. Though it is a versatile and functional language, developers have abandoned it for other more popular languages with similar functionalities

    Fantin is a Founder of Next E News and Director for Next Genesis Solutions. He is a Full Stack Web Developer in the day and Account Manager in the Night. His Interest is gain Knowledge in Technical & Electronics Platform and to implement in few of his projects.
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